Following too closely, yelling at another driver, cutting them off and making angry gestures are signs you’re experiencing road rage. Expressing aggressive behaviour while behind the wheel is something that most of us will admit to.  Here are three basic ways to curb losing it in the heat of the moment!Â
3 Ways To Curb Tailgaters Road Rage
There are many personal reasons we dislike tailgaters. Â The simple fact is it’s dangerous! Â According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the number one reason for a lane change is to get around a slow lead car. Â Is it frustrating when you’re tailgated or another driver cuts you off and behaves like a jerk? It sure is! Â So, what’s the solution when you’re faced with the rising trend of road rage?
There are three things you can do to keep a cool head and reach your destination safely.
- Stay Calm
- Let Them Pass
- Avoid Confrontations
Stay Calm – Far too many drivers take out their frustrations in the heat of the moment and lash out in ways that are not only dangerous but can be deadly!  Take deep breaths and stay calm.  You compromise your safety and lives of others too when you use your own aggressive driving or hand gestures to retaliate. NHTSA reports about two-thirds of crash deaths involve aggressive driving. Being civil and having patience will go a long ways towards staying calm.
Let Them Pass – Moving out of the way quickly and easily eliminates tailgaters.  If you can’t move out of their way, the last thing you should do is slow down and DO NOT BRAKE!  It’s tempting, but doing so only further enrages them and could lead to a rear collision. Keep your speed constant and simply let them pass in the safest way possible.  Tailgaters just want to drive faster than you. So you may need to briefly pull over to allow the other vehicle to pass. By the way, you’re in the wrong lane if you’re getting passed on the right! Tailgating isn’t the way to tell another driver that you want them to go faster.
Avoid Confrontations
Take the high road and leave it up to the police to teach them a lesson! Â When you force a confrontation, you put yourself in harms way! Â The risk is not worth your life! The worst thing to do is escalate the situation. Â Just ignore any gestures, rude comments or horn honking. Â Don’t get out of your vehicle on purpose to face-off with another driver. Â Lock your doors and windows. You don’t know who you are dealing with or what the other driver might do. Â Call the police if you are being threatened. Â Drive to the nearest police station if you believe you’re being followed. Â Lastly, courtesy goes a long way when mistakes happen, so don’t be the aggressor or take it personally, especially with new drivers.
3 Ways to Curb Tailgaters Road Rage starts with you! Aggressive driving is a serious threat to your personal safety.  Avoid purposely blocking another driver from changing lanes.  It’s not your job to slow them down.  Most of your driving frustration can easily be eliminated by increasing the gap between you and the other driver in front by 5-10 car lengths.
If you’re tailgating in Alberta, you could be charged with following too closely under section 18 of the Use of Highway and Rules of the Road Regulations of the Traffic Safety Act. That’s a $172 fine and 4 demerits. You could also be charged with dangerous operation of a vehicle under section 249 of the Criminal Code of Canada.
Have some great tips and ideas you want to discuss on how to curb tailgaters road rage? Â Leave a comment below.