Category Archives: FAQ

2020 Ford Fusion front view on a road

What is included in the Ford Winter Performance Package?

We’re quickly transitioning into the colder temperatures of winter now, and though that might be a welcome change for some but not all Edmonton drivers, the drop in Celsius means that you should be taking proactive measures to ensure that your vehicle is ready for the new, snowier climate. That’s why we’re offering our Ford Winter Performance Package at Sherwood Ford from now until November 30th. You might be wondering, “What is included in the Ford Winter Performance Package?” and we’ve got your answer today!

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red and white Ford Mustang Shelby models on a track

What’s the best-selling sports coupe in the world?

The Ford Mustang is the best-selling sports coupe worldwide for fourth straight year  

Flanked by its iconic, muscular design, and driven by ultra-powerful V6 or V8 engines under the hood, we’ve come to expect a lot from the Ford family. This is exemplified by its Mustang model, which, for the fourth straight year, has been named the best-selling sports coupe in the world! Come with Sherwood Ford below as we show you some more details about the Mustang’s hold on the sports car throne, and its best features! 

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Red 2019 Ford F-150 Raptor parked overlooking desert

How does Ford’s Intelligent All-Wheel Drive system work?

Features and functions of Ford Intelligent All-Wheel Drive 

In areas with as rugged and varied landscapes as Edmonton, your adventures aren’t just relegated to the pavement – in fact, even when they are, there are conditions like snow, rain and sleet to combat as you drive. That’s why Ford’s Intelligent AWD system is such a welcome addition to the line, as it’s able to give you control over every situation you come across. Come with Sherwood Ford today as we show you the features and functions of Ford Intelligent All-Wheel Drive! 

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a car driving in snow in winter

What should be in a winter car kit?

While winter in Canada is certainly beautiful at times, it can be downright nasty during a Polar Vortex. Keeping an emergency kit is important at all times, not just during the cold months. What should be in a winter car kit? It’s important not to wait until an impending storm before you prepare for winter driving in Alberta. Here are a few ways to stay ahead of potential disaster.

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two hands using a calculator and signing a paper

Why Choose Ford Canada Credit? 

Benefits of choosing Ford Canada Credit when buying or leasing a Ford vehicle

With so much commerce being hosted online nowadays, there are more ways than ever to get inside a high-quality Ford vehicle for a price that can fit your budget. One of the most popular ways to do so in our nation is via Ford Canada Credit, a financing service that has been at the epicentre of Canada’s auto financing world ever since 1962. Today, our Sherwood Ford team wants to show you some of the top benefits of choosing Ford Canada Credit when buying or leasing a Ford vehicle!   

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2019 Ford F-150 truck towing a trailer

Which 2019 Ford Vehicles Can Be Flat Towed?

The Celsius scale might not be getting too high anytime soon, but since the areas that surround Edmonton are so beautiful year-round, now is as good a time as ever to load up your trailer or camper and head out in search of adventure. You might find yourself wanting to bring your Ford model along for the ride, and if that’s the case, we’re sure you’ve wondered “Which 2019 Ford Vehicles Can Be Flat Towed?”  

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Man using Push Button Start inside 2019 Ford Fusion

What to do after your car key fob battery dies

Ford vehicles are built tough, but that doesn’t mean that some components aren’t indestructible through normal use. If you’ve just found yourself locked out of your vehicle with a dead key fob, we may be able to get you going. Our Sherwood Ford team wants to help if this ever were to occur with your model, so today we’ll show you what to do after your car key fob battery dies. Learn how easy it is to get back up and running!  Read the rest of this entry >>

two jumper cables with a hand attaching them

What to do when your Ford vehicle’s battery dies

We’re no strangers to frigid conditions here in Edmonton, so it should come as no surprise that there are plenty of environmental factors that can lead to our vehicles not being as effective as they could be. In most instances, diminished performance is an annoyance, but there are few situations that are worse than coming across a dead or dying vehicle battery, especially when you’re all set to head out on the road for the day. Our Sherwood Ford team wants to help you out, so today we’ll show you what to do when your Ford vehicle’s battery dies.

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a campsite by a river with a truck and tent

Where are the best camping spots in Alberta Parks?

Where are the best camping locations in Alberta?

Alberta is home to five beautiful National Parks: Banff, Elk Island, Jasper, Waterton Lakes, and Wood Buffalo. The yearly spring thaw is upon us. While we’re welcome to camp all year-round, peak camping season usually runs from May through October. If you’re looking for some of the best camping locations around Alberta, we’ve got you covered.

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