Category Archives: Service & Parts

2020 Ford F-150 truck left idling

Is it bad for your engine to sit and idle for long periods of time?

Engine idling facts and myths 

There are a lot of myths when it comes to any vehicle component, from tire pressure to fuel economy. Today, we will be busting a common myth or two about idling your vehicle’s engine. Keep reading below to learn whether it is bad for your engine to sit and idle for long periods of time. 

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a man inspecting a vehicle

Service Specials for March 2020 near Edmonton, AB

Where can I find discounted vehicle maintenance near Edmonton, AB, this month? 

Our dealership offers service specials throughout the year to reward our customers for choosing to do maintenance at Sherwood Ford. This month, we have many great deals for drivers in the Edmonton area to take advantage of. Continue reading below to learn about our service specials for March 2020 near Edmonton, AB. 

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2019 Ford Ranger and Ford F-150 parked on a dirt road

What is included with the Ford Performance Off-Road Leveling Kit?

Today’s pickups have, unsurprisingly, been built to be stronger and more durable than ever. If you’re currently in ownership of an F-150 or Ranger model, we have some awesome news for you from Ford itself – now, you can get a specialized Off-Road leveling kit for your model for maximum performance and precision when heading away from the pavement! Today, our Sherwood Ford team will be taking you through what’s included with the all-new Ford Performance Off-Road package, so you can see just how easy it is to take on any terrain.

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a snowy road with vehicles parked and driving

How to winterize your Ford vehicle

Recommended services to get your Ford vehicle ready for winter weather 

Like it or not, cold and snow are fast approaching us here in Edmonton, and with that comes the need to get your model in good shape to combat the changing of the seasons. Our Sherwood Ford service centre is proud to offer the best services possible to get you ready for the drop in Celsius, so join us today as we show you our recommended services to get your Ford vehicle ready for winter weather. With these taken care of, you’ll be ready to tackle any elements!  Read the rest of this entry >>

Ford mechanic checking car battery in service bay

Tips for Ford Car Battery Charging and Replacement

Icy and snowy road conditions have a way of wreaking havoc on your daily drive, beyond the hazardous conditions that often lie ahead on the road. With frigid air comes an increased risk of your car battery dying or diminishing in performance, and when that happens, you need the right tools and knowledge at your disposal to get back up and running. So, today our Sherwood Ford team will show you some helpful tips for Ford car battery charging and replacement so that you can keep moving no matter the weather!  Read the rest of this entry >>

two hands holding a vehicle air filter

When should you replace your Ford vehicle’s cabin air filter?

Ford Cabin Air Filter Replacement in Edmonton AB

Being that the last few months have seen spring and summer come and go, it’s only common that potentially harmful particles such as dirt, dust, bugs, and pollen have entered your Ford model at some point during the daily drive. This is something that can prove to be anything from a minor inconvenience to major annoyance to many Edmonton drivers, but the last thing you should be worrying about on the road is the quality of the air that you breathe.  With the calendar about to head into fall, our Sherwood Ford team is proud to offer Ford Cabin Air Filter Replacement services at our dealership so that you can ride on with clean air throughout your vehicle. Come with us today to see if it’s time to get your filters swapped out! 

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two hands on a vehicle car battery

What parts of your Ford vehicle should you get serviced for summer? 

Ford Maintenance and Service Checklist for New and Used Models in Edmonton AB 

Summer’s triumphant return to Alberta means that now is as good a time as ever to go explore the natural beauty and awesome attractions that we have in the Edmonton area. It also means, however, that to prepare for the hotter conditions, you should be aiming to get your vehicle serviced as soon as you can! We want to help you out, and our Sherwood Ford team has put together a quick maintenance and service checklist for the summer months, that both new and used Ford drivers should be keeping an eye on. 

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a car lifted in the air for service

How often should you be getting your Ford vehicle serviced?

Difference between Normal, Severe and Extreme Ford Maintenance Service Intervals 

In order to ensure that your Ford model is giving you the kind of top-level performance that you both desire and expect, it’s essential to know when you should be taking it in for routine maintenance and service. Luckily, we’ve got some helpful guidelines to run by you today at Sherwood Ford. Keep reading to find out the difference between Normal, Severe and Extreme Ford Maintenance Service Intervals, as well as which one to opt for, accounting for normal weather conditions here in Alberta!  

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two people standing under a car changing the oil

How to check the oil level in your Ford vehicle

When you’re on the road, there are plenty of components that go into making your Ford model operate at peak performance always. Perhaps the most well-known of these is your oil, which helps to lubricate your engine and gears, keeping you moving forward more smoothly and responsively. It’s for this reason that it’s important to understand how to check the oil level in your Ford vehicle; even though most modern models will give you a rough estimate, it’s crucial to know where you stand. We’ll show you how today!  

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