Category Archives: Tips & Tricks

Technician checking a tire

How often should you replace your tires?

It’s no secret that tires are crucial to the overall operation of your vehicle. You want to be sure your tires are properly inflated and working efficiently to get you from point A to point B. Every time you take your car on the road, however, your tires undergo wear and tear. Therefore, as a car owner, it’s important to know how often you should replace your tires. Read the rest of this entry >>

Hail on someone's hand

Should you buy a vehicle with hail damage?

With the recent hail storms that passed through the Edmonton area, many of you are probably dealing with damage to your property. Many area car dealerships are also dealing with damage to their units, which is a very unfortunate problem to face. If you are currently searching for a new vehicle, you may be wondering, should you buy a vehicle that has hail damage? Read the rest of this entry >>