Happy Father's Day

Father’s Day 2018 Events near Edmonton and Sherwood Park AB

Before going off to university, primary school, or starting your adult life for yourself, your dad has always been there, in your corner and giving his advice every step of the way. The sacrifices that he’s made can’t be understated, and as such it’s so important for us all to pay tribute to the men that have paved the way for our upbringings, no matter where they’ve led. On June 17, we’ll get the chance to show dad just a little bit of all that he’s worth, and we invite you to join our Sherwood Ford team at some fun Father’s Day 2018 Events near Edmonton and Sherwood Park AB! Have a great time!   Read the rest of this entry >>

Happy Victoria Day banner

What’s going on for Victoria Day in Edmonton?

Victoria Day 2018 Celebrations in Edmonton AB

Ever since 1845, people around the nation have celebrated the efforts Queen Victoria made to confederate Canada, as well as help turn it into the prosperous, strong and free country that it is today. Being that it generally takes place on the penultimate long weekend of May, it’s also ceremoniously known as the official start to summer in Canada. There’s always some fun festivities to take part in. With this, we invite you to gather your friends and families and come out to some of the coolest May Long weekend celebrations in and around Edmonton AB. Have a great time!  Read the rest of this entry >>

Couple hiking

Where can I go hiking in Edmonton?

Best hiking and biking trails in Edmonton AB 

Ladies and gentlemen of Alberta, it’s finally spring! The pristine natural beauty that surrounds us here is often too good to go unnoticed, which is why so many people around here take every advantage to go out and see the sights. If you and your friends are looking to explore nature, we’ve got just what you need; check out some of the best hiking and biking trails in Edmonton AB!  Read the rest of this entry >>

St. Patrick's Day banner

What’s going on for St. Patrick’s Day in Edmonton?

2018 St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations in Edmonton AB

Census reports have placed the Irish population here in Alberta at almost 17 per cent, but on Saturday the whole province will be donning their best green attire and celebrating one of the hardest-working and celebratory ancestries known to the country. If you’re planning on gathering your friends and heading out for the day (and possibly getting into some shenanigans as well), check out some of the coolest 2018 St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations in Edmonton AB, courtesy of our Sherwood Ford team! Read the rest of this entry >>

A boy and a girl looking out a car window

Sherwood Ford sponsors with Boys and Girls Club of Strathcona County

Though it can be difficult in the hustle of everyday life, it’s important to remember how fortunate we are to be living in a country with the opportunities that Canada provides. Here at Sherwood Ford, we believe that every member of our community should be able to have the same privileges and hopes for the future. That’s why we’re proud to partner with the Boys and Girls Club of Strathcona County! Our team will be attending a fundraising dinner that the organization is putting on Saturday, March 17th, and wanted to share how you can also get involved. Read the rest of this entry >>