Corn maze sign

Have Fall Fun in Edmonton all season long!

Best Pumpkin Patches and Corn Mazes in Edmonton AB for 2019 

The dip in the Celsius scale can only mean two great things – the Oilers are that much closer to their opening faceoff, and fall is here! Though the season may be short before we get into winter, there’s still plenty of fun to be had in North Central Alberta – so, grab your kids and your friends and join Sherwood Ford at some of the best pumpkin patches and corn mazes in Edmonton AB for 2019. We hope you have a great, safe time!  Read the rest of this entry >>

Happy Labour Day Banner

What can I do for Labour Day 2019 in Edmonton?

Fun Labour Day Weekend 2019 Events in Edmonton AB 

Canadians are some of the hardest-working people on the planet, enough to where there’s a holiday specifically designed to celebrate the achievements that our country has made over the years. Labour Day is not only a welcome day off from work and school, but it’s also an incredible way to start the fall season, which is something we can all look forward to. We don’t want you to miss out on the action in a few weeks, so join us at some fun Labour Day Weekend 2019 events in Edmonton AB and have a great time!  Read the rest of this entry >>

Fruits and vegetables

Get Fresh Foods in Edmonton All Summer Long!

Best Farmer’s Markets in Edmonton AB 

Summer mornings are some of our favourite times here in Edmonton; the sun is rising, birds are chirping, and the city streets are alive with plenty of awesome, healthy foods for you to get for the week ahead. We invite you to join us at some of the best Farmer’s Markets in Edmonton AB throughout summer – not only is fresh produce on the menu, but you can pick up some other awesome things as well. Check them out!   Read the rest of this entry >>

Group of people standing in a line

Sherwood Ford Community Event Recap for May and June 2019

There’s nothing better to our Sherwood Ford team than being able to support the organizations and foundations that share our community – the Edmonton area can only go so far as its residents are able to take it, and in that regard, we’re truly fortunate to be surrounded by so many amazing people that are willing to go the extra mile every day.   Read the rest of this entry >>

Canadian flag

What’s going on for Canada Day in Edmonton?

Canada Day 2019 Celebrations in Edmonton AB

152 years ago, Canadian confederation was announced, paving the way to independence from Great Britain. Ever since, we’ve seen our nation grow to one that is glorious and free, and we always have plenty to celebrate. If you’re still looking for plans on July 1, we have a real treat for you today – we’ll be showing you some awesome Canada Day 2019 Celebrations in the region of Edmonton AB. Grab your friends and family and have a great time all day! Read the rest of this entry >>

A father holding his kid during sunset

What’s going on for Father’s Day in Edmonton?

Fun Father’s Day 2019 Events in Edmonton AB 

In our estimation, every day should be reserved for giving the strong, hard-working men in our lives the recognition and love that they deserve. Still, there’s no better time than the beginning of the summer to give Dad his due, and on June 16th, we’ll all get the opportunity to do just that. Take Dad out and join us at some fun Father’s Day 2019 Events in Edmonton AB – you’ll be glad you did!   Read the rest of this entry >>

Happy Victoria Day

What’s going on for Victoria Day in Edmonton?

Victoria Day 2019 Events and Happenings near Sherwood Park AB 

Queen Victoria is one of the most iconic figures in Canadian history, which is why each year, on May 24 (her birthday) or the Monday preceding it, we celebrate Victoria Day. Both a welcome day off from work and a ceremonial begin to summer, it’s a day that each Canadian looks forward to. If you and your friends are looking to have some fun over the long weekend in a couple weeks, come with our Sherwood Ford team to some of the coolest Victoria Day 2019 Events and Happenings near Sherwood Park AB!  Read the rest of this entry >>

Race flag and a car in the background

Help Sherwood Ford Support Racing for a Cure with Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation!

By far our favourite part of being in the Sherwood Ford family is being able to make a real, noticeable difference in the communities that mean so much to us. That’s why we’re so proud to partner with Stollery Children’s Hospital again this year in support of its 8th annual Racing for a Cure event – check out what the event entails and how you can get involved below!  Read the rest of this entry >>

Flowers and a gift for Mother's Day

Things to do for Mother’s Day 2019 in Edmonton AB

Our moms are the best part of all of our lives, always in our corner with love and encouragement. In our estimation, each day should be set aside to honour the brave and strong women that have helped to raise us, but we all get an even better chance coming up on May 12. Bring the family out and join Sherwood Ford for some awesome things to do for Mother’s Day 2019 in Edmonton AB!  Read the rest of this entry >>